Our Vision respects the culmination of each child as they are the sum of their whakapapa, we acknowledge and pay respect to that which is innate, and pave the way for them to be all that they can be, through the use of the New Zealand Curriculum and the Special Catholic Character, which is the foundation of our learning.

Vision Statement

We light the path – learning to love and loving to learn

Tūramatia te ara! Akohia te aroha, Arohatia te ako

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105

At the root of our learning we teach and inspire our students with the light of the gospel as they follow and develop a relationship with our Lord. Through the Lord’s love we learn, through the Lord’s teaching we love. As the child is bathed in the Lord’s light and love they too are of light. Ko te tamaiti te rama.

Both of these visions culminate in the Graduate Description of a child from St Joseph’s School.

They will:

  • Be lifelong learners.

  • Will live by the Catholic values of faith, love, service and hope.

  • Have a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer and gospel based learning.

  • Be moved to action through compassion.

  • Have confidence in their own cultural and Catholic identity.

  • Be grounded in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

  • Respect God’s creation and seek to sustain it.

  • Seek social collaboration to strengthen their connections to the faith and community.

  • Be critical, innovative and creative , forward thinkers who search for a common good.

New Zealand Curriculum Vision for all students within the NZ school system.


  • Positive in their own identity

  • Motivated and reliable

  • Resourceful

  • Resilient


  • Relates well to others

  • Use communication tools effectively

  • Connected to the land and environment

Actively Involved

  • Participate in a range of life opportunities

  • Contributors to the well-being of New Zealand

Life Long Learners

  • Literate and Numerate

  • Critical, creative thinkers

  • Seekers, users, creators and judges of knowledge

  • Informed decision makers