Shorts, PE Shorts, Polo shirts

These are available to buy through The Warehouse, Postie Plus or K Mart. They are plain navy/white polo shirts with no logo. Girls may wear plain navy shorts for PE (see below)

Girls Uniforms

The girls tunic can be purchased at school.

Sizes 61, 72, 82 -$90.30-$92.30

The polo shirts can be purchased at the Warehouse, Postie Plus or Kmart. ( School has some stock, check at the office first)

The girls can wear a plain white polo shirts or a plain navy polo shirt. (see below)

Navy blue bucket hats can be purchased at school.

The School Polar Fleece can be purchased from the School Office. Prices range from $42.99 - $57.99. School Polar Fleece Order Form .

Black sandals for summer and black waterproof shoes for winter with black/navy socks. (Kids Can shoes are available at school)

Boys Uniforms

The boys uniform can be purchased from the Warehouse, Postie Plus or Kmart

Boys wear a plain navy polo shirt and plain navy shorts (see below)

Navy blue bucket hats

The School Polar Fleece can be purchased from the School Office. Prices range from $42.99 - $57.99.School Polar Fleece Order Form .

Black sandals for summer and black waterproof shoes for winter with black/navy socks. (Kids Can shoes are available at school)

Boys School Shots

PE Shorts - Boys & Girls

School Shorts can be purchased from the Warehouse

Click on the link


School Polo Shirts can be purchased from the Warehouse

Click on the link
